Monday Morning Coffee with AFL-CIO Community Services

AFL-CIO-Community-Services-St.-Joseph-MO1One of the most exciting things about our Monday Morning Coffee posts is that we have an opportunity to introduce our readers to a new site we just launched for a company or organization. One of the latest to add to our portfolio is that of the AFL-CIO Community Services. In partnership with our developer, Nate Arnold, we built the agency a new website with a clean look, greater focus on programs and the ability to make changes from within.

For those of you unfamiliar with the agency, AFL-CIO Community Services is the organization behind programs like Cinderella’s Closet, Souls for Christ and the Adopt-A-Family program in St. Joseph, MO. The staff is made up of a talented group of individuals whose main concern is fulfilling the needs of those in the Northwest Missouri area who don’t have access to all the food they need, new shoes for the school year or the means to provide Christmas presents for their children.

The AFL-CIO also works in Partnership with the United Way, providing information on logo full color.inddlocal organizations that can provide food for the hungry, a place to rent for the homeless, assistance with electricity bills for those too tight in their budget, free furniture for those unable to furnish a home and so much more. The AFL-CIO office is often the first point of contact for those who don’t know where else to turn.

In completing this project, it was our privilege to learn more about the impact this organization has on our community and see firsthand the sacrifices made by those employed by this organization so they can meet their mission. In fact, many gave up their Christmas Eve plans to make sure more families could have a Christmas for their children.

If you want to learn more about this amazing organization and what they do for thousands of individuals in our area, I encourage you to visit their new site: and browse around, especially their programs. You just might learn something new or stumble upon an opportunity to get involved.

For more information on how we might help you update your online look or market more effectively to your target audience, contact Susan J. Campbell Copywriting Solutions today.

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